Mobile Media Matters Apps

Fort Vancouver Mobile 2.22
The Fort Vancouver Mobile app is designed tobe used on site in The Village area of the Fort Vancouver NationalHistoric Site, in Vancouver, Wash., just north of Portland, Ore.This urban National Park Service site was the hub, in themid-1800s, of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s fur trading empire and theearly end of the Oregon Trail. This place later became the firstU.S. Army Post in the Pacific Northwest. The app delivers an arrayof media -- text, audio, video and animation -- about the site’sVillage. To begin, download the app and walk to the sign at theentry of the Village.This version of the Fort Vancouver Mobile app is for betatesting, designed to calibrate some of the program's hardwarefunctions to the physical site. It includes the opportunity to skipahead, if a bug is found. We are aware of some technical issuesstill lingering in this version, but please send us a report of anyglitches you encounter. We want to fix them all. In your report,please indicate which phone model and OS you are using, and, asspecifically as possible, what issue was raised. Send that to:[email protected]!
Blackfeet 2.0
On June 7, 1964, a driving rain buckleddamsand flooded homes on the Blackfeet Reservation, sweepingcryingchildren from mothers' arms, and ferrying barns, vehicles,andbodies across the prairie. By the time it ended, 29 members oftheBlackfeet Tribe had drowned in the worst natural disasterinMontana history. For weeks, rescue workers sorted through thesilt,animal carcasses, and driftwood, searching for the flood'slastvictims, some of whom have never been found. In commemorationofthe 50th anniversary of the flood, tribal members continuetowrestle with the flood's legacy, and the broader publicremainslargely unaware of its toll. This app is intended to changethosedynamics by giving tribal members a chance to fully telltheirstories about the flood, and for the public to jointheconversation about the disaster’s legacy.
UH Campus Map 1.5
The UniDescription Project has created this audio-described map ofUH Manoa.
CalABA Conference 5.59
The CalABA Western Regional Conference offersinformation,resources, and professional development opportunitiesfor BoardCertified Behavior Analysts, Board Certified AssistantBehaviorAnalysts, psychologists, marriage and family therapists,socialworkers, speech-language pathologists, regular andspecialeducators, students in those and related fields, and parentsand/orconsumers of behavior analysis services. This conference isofspecial interest to college and university faculty,researchers,administrators, and practitioners in behavior analysis,psychology,regular and special education, rehabilitation, publichealth,behavioral medicine, speech and language, social work,business,and human services. Undergraduate, graduate students andfamilymembers of individuals with special needs are also encouragedtoattend.
UniDescription 4.0
This app shares prototype audio description from dozens of NationalPark Service sites throughout the country, translating their paperbrochures into acoustic media, designed for people who are blind,visually impaired, print dyslexic, or who prefer learning throughsound. Everyone deserves full access to public discourse aboutpublic resources, and this University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH)research project has been created to serve diverse audiences, underthe core principles of Universal Design. Our sponsors include: TheUniversity of Hawaii, The National Park Service, Google, TheAmerican Council of the Blind, and The Hawaii-Pacific IslandsCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit. Core contributors include:Brett Oppegaard (Principal Investigator, UH), Megan Conway (Co-Pi,UH), Thomas Conway (Co-Pi, UH), Michele Hartley (MediaAccessibility Coordinator, NPS), Joe Oppegaard (CTO, MontanaBanana), Philipp Jordan (RA, UH), Tuyet Hayes (RA, UH), SajjaKoirala (RA, UH), and Terence Rose (RA, UH). For more information,visit: To contact the PI, email:[email protected]